Reliability test
■ Water saving: add water once (pure water 10 liters), can run for 1,000 hours (about 42 days) at 85℃ / 85%
Energy saving: Equipped with the latest DC inverter rotary chiller, which greatly reduces power consumption (up to 58% compared to the same period last year)
Terminal diversification: cable or wireless (Wi-Fi) connect to computers, tablets, iPhones. Control and communicate with the test box (set test conditions, save data, information sending, describe the test process in detail, etc.)
■ Temperature control range: -70℃ ~ + 150℃
■ Temperature rising time: Within 55 minutes (-70℃ ~+150℃)
■ Temperature rising speed: above 3.0 ℃/minute (-53℃ ~+83℃)
■ Temperature drop time: within 90 minutes (+20℃ ~ -70℃)
■ Temperature drop speed: 2.0 ℃/minute (+83℃ ~ -53℃)
■ Temperature change: ± 0.3℃
■ Space temperature deviation: 2.5℃
■ Temperature gradient: 3.0℃